Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How to get Adsense account in 24 hours with out waiting 6 months.

  Google’s AdSense is a fascinating revenue-sharing opportunity for small, medium and large web sites. If you are a Newbie or Advanced Internet Marketer, Adsense gives you chance of making money without  lifting your finger. Its a boon for Home managers, Retired, students and unemployed.

   If  you are reading this post, I believe you are know much about adsense. But days  today's getting approval from Adsense is becomes difficult and hard specially in India, Pakistan and other Asian countries . A lot of people have trouble  getting an Adsense account the regular way, especially if you live outside of US/CANADA/EUROPE. They are rejected even if their accounts are

    Active for more than 6months
    Own Top level  Domain
    Good traffic
    and with good niche.....

   Getting adsense account is hard these days. specially for the sub continent countries they didn’t get approved to this great program easily. But lastly I found a way to get approved on Adsense fast and safe within 24hours. But this is legal way. ATTENTION  Dont reapply if you got banned from adsense one time because its against their terms of service. 

   I AM not guaranteeing approval using this method 100% please mind that. Yes people from India, Africa it doesn't matter  And I haven't seen this method shared anywhere else…Unlike some other methods shared like Create a Youtube Channel ,upload videos, Make sure those videos get some hits and apply for Adsense, this method doesnt need much work on your part.
It is as simple as it gets. Here is how…
www.docstoc.com is a website which is associated  with Google Adsense. It is much like scribd.com , where people read documents, ebooks online uploaded by others peoples. When you sign up for docstoc account. Create your account. Choose username ,password and put your email address
(I recommend, register with your fresh gmail address).

When you have created an account then an option to join Adsense through their website if you dont have Adsense account.
For those who do not have a adsense account they can apply to Adsense through their website.  Select, I'd like to set up an AdSense. Please provide your email address below. Google will email you instructions on how to set up your new AdSense account. You should receive the instructions within 2-3 days.

    Once your account is confirmed, you will automatically begin earning revenue from the documents you have uploaded to http://www.docstoc.com .
Note: Please upload some documents to your docstok account to increase your chances for adsense quick approval.

And that is it, you get approved within 24 hours. For ads placed in their site(docstoc.com) through your adsense account. docstok.com  share with you fifty percent revenue . However you can use this adsense account for your sites/blogs, from which you can make more earning and  keep all the revenue from your blogs and sites to yourself. So you can earn some $$$ from docstoc.com (50 % revenue) in addition to using your blogs/sites.


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