Monday, August 8, 2011

Aero Features

Aero is a visual desktop experience that combines translucent windows, appealing color and graphics effects with convenient functionality. Aero includes Snap, Peek, Shake and Flip.
Watch the video to learn how the Aero features work on the Desktop.
Launch video! Watch the video (2:42). Need help?


Snap allows you to resize open windows to make reviewing and comparing easier.
Overlapping windows Overlapping windows
Windows snapped Side-by-side Snap view

  1. Place the mouse at the top of the window, drag to the left or right of the screen, wait for the transparent window to appear and let go.

  2. Your window should Snap into place.

  3. To return to the full view, Snap the window to the top of the screen.

Windows showing snap action How to Snap windows


You can view your open windows on the Taskbar by using Peek. Simply scroll the mouse over the Taskbar icons and a thumbnail preview of the open windows will appear.
Aero peek Aero Peek of the Taskbar
  1. Hover the mouse over the windows in Peek and the full window will appear on your screen.

  2. Click on the Peek preview to open the window or click on the "X" to close the window from the Peek view.
    Mouse hovering over Aero PeekSee open window through Aero Peek


When your desktop is cluttered with open windows, you can use Shake to select a single window and close the rest.
  1. Click on the top of the window you want to focus on, Shake it and the rest of the windows will disappear.

  2. Simply Shake the window again and the closed windows will reappear.

Test image Cluttered screen
Test Timage Shake to clear screen


Flip and Flip 3D are two more ways you can preview your open windows.
Desktop showing flipView open windows with Aero Flip
  1. Press and hold the Alt key + the Tab key to open the Flip view of your open windows.

  2. While still pressing the Alt key, you can Flip through the open windows by pressing the Tab key.

  3. Stop on the window you want to open and it will appear on the full screen.
    Desktop showing flip 3dAero Flip 3D View

  4. Press and hold the Windows key + the Tab key for a 3D version of Flip. (Option - To keep Flip 3D open press Control + Windows key + Tab.)

  5. Use the Tab key or Arrow keys to Flip through your open windows.


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