Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How to Add Meta Keywords to blogspot
Web developers and Web designers would definitely know what Meta Tags and Meta Keywords are and what role they play in optimizing your site and give chances to make your page rank better on search engines. However, bloggers who don't have much knowledge about web development and S.E.O (Search Engine Optimization) would like to read this through to get knowledge about Meta Keywords and Meta Tags and this article will explain how you can add meta tags and meta keywords to your blogspot or blogger blog.

Many of the bloggers do think they need to develop their own website or blogger doesn't give them option to add meta tags and keywords to their blogspot blog. However, blogspot does provide you option to add meta keywords and meta tags to your blog. Below you will find a very easy method to do this but First I will explain you briefly what they actually do.

Meta keywords is one of the most basic and most important way to optimize your website/blog search ranking. Search engines uses the meta keywords defined in your website to filter the search results. Therefore, selection of correct keywords and placing them on your page under meta keywords is very very important.

Now, how to add mete keywords for blogger or blogspot users. Here is the very easy method.
Sign in to your blogger account
Goto dashboard and click on the Design tab and then click Edit HTML tab
Find this line of code
Press Ctrl+F then copy the above code and put in the find box to find this one.

Copy the following three lines and place them after the above line you just found.

      <meta content='DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
         <meta content='KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/>
         <meta content='AUTHOR' name='author'/>

Replace the Blue words with your appropriate content, For example

<meta content='How to make money on line in Pakistan'/>
<meta content='adsense account tips, google ads,seo,easy approval adsense account'       name='keywords'/>
         <meta content='Riaz Ahmed' name='author'/>

Save the changes and view your blog and then right click on blog pages and click View Page source, you will find that's keywords you are just putted. This will help search engines filter your blog for proper search queries and making your ranking better on the google page rank.


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